Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I’m a firm believer that what you do for a living should make a difference - that it should have a positive impact on the world you live in and the people you meet.

I started VANCHI www.vanchi.com.au with short term goals in mind – I wanted to be able to stay at home with my newborn twins and to contribute financially. I wanted to create a funky looking nappy bag www.vanchi.com.au to help myself and others like me transition from “executive mum” to “not so executive mum”. Not a big ask really??

VANCHI has enabled me to make that difference within my family and also within the parenting community of Australia. With over 44,000 Nappy Bags, Wraps, Wallets, Change’n’Aways and Clutches sold since VANCHI’s conception in 2006, I can look back at what we have achieved with a smile remembering our humble beginnings.

For me purpose and value is the incentive to get up each day and my job. With a superficial glace, one might say that I make nappy bags – and while that is true – if that was all I did – the purpose and value side of my life would be sorely out of balance.

At VANCHI we do a number of things that I am proud of – that make a difference. We make fabulous Nappy Bags which indeed bring a touch of glamour to the noble profession of child rearing! We offer fantastic customer service - our motto is “we love to delight our customers”. We employ mums! The majority of our staff work part-time, from home where possible. Their hours are flexible and allow them to enjoy their SAHM status. We support a number of Charity organizations through prize sponsorship and have a ongoing monthly commitment to Child Rescue a division of World Vision working to combat child slavery.

In 2011, the last of my brood – the twins – left the nest to begin their school careers! My short term goals have been realized but that ebb inside me to impact the world I live in continues to grow and cultivate. Anne Frank, a Jewish child who died as the result of Nazi occupation in WWII, once said “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”. What a challenge this little girl presents us all with!

At VANCHI HQ we love to hear from our customers! It could be as simple as your thoughts/review on the VANCHI latest purchase, a picture of you out and about with your VANCHI Nappy Bag, quirky stories that involve your VANCHI bag – perhaps saving your life –the list is endless! If you’re not already a VANCHI VIP – we’d love to see you sign up and don’t forget to stop by our FACEBOOK page to keep up to date with the goings on here at HQ….

Until Next time
